Symposium on the relationship between executive functions, metacognition and self-regulated learning
Paper 1:
Participants: Antonio P. Gutierrez de Blume (Universidad del Sur de Georgia- Estados Unidos), Diana Marcela Montoya (Universidad de Caldas, Universidad de Manizales- Colombia).
Title: Exploring the relationship between executive functions and metacognition: do the former predict the latter?
Paper 2:
Participants: Consuelo Bojorquez , Claudia García de la Cadena- Departamento de Neuropsicología, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
Title: Cognitive flexibility, high abilities and metacognitive judgments in college students.
Paper 3:
Participants: Mildren Hickie-González, Maria Beatriz Beltrán-Navarro, Mario Treviño, & Esmeralda Matute – Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
Title: Potential Use of the BRIEF-P Respondent Online by Parents of Mexican Minors
Paper 4:
Participants: Diana Marcela Montoya (Universidad de Caldas, Universidad de Manizales), Antonio P. Gutierrez de Blume (Universidad del Sur de Georgia)
Title: Changes in executive functions from an intervention process on metacognitive monitoring..
Date: September 29, 30 and October 1, 2022.

“Didactic Challenges in Post Pandemic Education”. – Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
Participants: Diana Marcela Montoya (Universidad de Caldas, Universidad de Manizales), Antonio P. Gutierrez de Blume (Universidad del Sur de Georgia)
Title: Metacognitive changes in a sample of undergraduate students following an intervention process on guided practice.
Date: January 4, 5 and 6, 2023.