Dra. Lilian Daset.
Full Professor.
Department of Psychology.
Catholic University of Uruguay.
Invited expert to speak on Metacognition and psychotherapy: Strength in unity.

Dr. Ariel Cuadrado.
Researcher at the Catholic University of Uruguay.
Invited expert to speak on metacomprehension and metaproduction.

Dr. Javier Taborda Chaurra.
Researcher, Mar del Plata University, Argentina.
Invited expert to talk about self-regulated learning and metacognition in the post-pandemic school context.

Dra. Lilia Daset.
Full Professor.
Department of Psychology.
Catholic University of Uruguay.
Invited expert to talk about Metacognition related to wellbeing and mental health.

Dra. Maria Alexandra Ulate.
Advisor to the Ministry of Public Education
University of Costa Rica.
Invited expert to talk about the relationship between metacognition and the implementation of innovations in education.

Dr. Javier Taborda Chaurra.
Professor, Department of Educational Studies, Universidad de Caldas -Colombia.
Invited expert to speak about Ethnoeducation.