Researcher Profile
Dra. María Beatriz Beltrán
Universidad de Occidente, campus Mazatlán (México).
Degree in Educational Psychology from the Universidad de Occidente, Mazatlán (Mexico). Master’s and Doctorate in Behavioral Sciences (Neuroscience orientation) at Institute of Neurosciences of the Universidad de Guadalajara (Mexico).
Currently, she is a full-time Associate Research Professor C, attached to the Neuroscience Care Unit of the Department of Neurosciences, at the Center of Health Sciences of the Universidad de Guadalajara (Mexico).
I am part of the academic core of the Doctorate in Cognition and Learning (CUCSH) at Universidad of Guadalajara.
I am a member of the CONACyT National System of Researchers.
Since the beginning of my academic training, I have built and consolidate my own and independent line of research based on the effect of epigenetic factors (age, sex, parental educational level, nutrition, early adversity: fetal abuse, postnatal abuse , e.g., neglect, physical, sexual abuse) on neuropsychological development, in order to clarify the contribution of risk and protective factors on child development and apply the findings towards the creation and implementation of prevention and intervention programs in community settings . For this, I have developed, contributed and participated in original projects that strengthen collaborations with national and international researchers, such as, for example, through both direction and co-direction of theses at Undergraduate and Postgraduate level, the formation of an Academic working group UDG -CA-1023, as well as a member of the International Metacognition Research Group, which brings together researchers from 17 universities in the USA and Latin America.
Reviewer of various journals belonging to Editorial MDPI.
Reviewer for Applied Neuropsychology: Child.
Member of the Tutorial Committee of the Master’s Degree in Behavioral Sciences of Mildred Hickie, Analysis of the BRIEF-P in the Mexican child population. Institute of Neurosciences, CUCBA, UdeG.
Member of the Tutorial Committee of the Doctorate in Psychological Research, of Paola Ortiz, Relationship between the Severity of the Symptoms, the Prerequisites of Social Communication and the Neurophysiological Response in children with ASD Diagnosis. ITESO.
Sinodal in Neuropsychology and Education Master’s Degree Exam, by Graciela Montes, Universidad Panamericana, Gdl campus.
Reviewer for the Ibero-American Journal of Diagnosis and Evaluation.
Reviewer for Electronic Journal of Educational Research.
Master’s Thesis Advisor in Behavioral Sciences, by Javier Parra Pulido, Effect of late prematurity on the precursors of mathematical skills in preschoolers. Institute of Neurosciences, CUCBA, UdeG.
Award: At the Annual Meeting of Neurosciences in July 2019, we presented an analysis of the Reproduction of the Angles of Geometric Figures of children 2-5 years of age in poster format and won first place in that modality.
Award: At the Annual Meeting of Neurosciences in July 2019, we presented the Structure of Executive Functions in Mexican Children in poster format and won first place in that modality.
Member of the Tutorial Committee in the Master’s Degree exam in Behavioral Sciences, by Paola Ortiz, Effect of different types of distractors on selective attention in children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Thesis Director, Mtro. Sergio Meneses. Institute of Neurosciences, CUCBA, UdeG.
Assessor at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente, to rule on the proposal for the Neurodevelopment and Early Stimulation academic program as a possible course in the Diploma area.
Member of the Tutorial Committee in the Master’s Degree exam in Neuropsychology and Education of Sofía Rodríguez Buenrostro, Universidad Panamericana, Gdl campus.
Master’s Thesis Advisor in Behavioral Sciences of Luis Miguel Cortés Costilla, Neuropsychological characteristics of institutionalized children in Mexico from 36 to 71 months of age. Thesis Director, Dr. Esmeralda Matute. Institute of Neurosciences, CUCBA, UdeG.
Assessor in the Selection Process of students of the First Generation of the Doctoral Program in Cognition and Learning, CUCSH, UdeG.
Reviewer of five papers submitted to be presented at the Language, Communication panel of the 2019 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting (March 21-23, 2019, Baltimore, USA).
Member of the Tutorial Committee in the examination to obtain a Master’s degree in Behavioral Sciences, by Sarahi Sanchez Mejía, with the project Level of development of children from 6 to 34 months with fetal abuse and postnatal abuse residents of a Mexican orphanage. Thesis Director, Dr. Araceli Sanz Martín. Institute of Neurosciences, CUCBA, UdeG.
Reviewer for the CES Psychology Journal.
Reviewer for the Acta Colombiana de Psicología.
Financial support from PRODEP to new PTCs (UDG-PTC-1217) for my project “Changes Linked to Age and Sex in the Neuropsychological Development of the Mexican Childhood Population”.
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María Beatriz Beltrán
Degree in Educational Psychology from the Universidad de Occidente, Mazatlán (Mexico). Master’s and Doctorate in Behavioral Sciences (Neuroscience orientation) at Institute of Neurosciences of the Universidad de Guadalajara (Mexico).
Jesus M. Alvarado
Professor, accredited as full professor, in the Department of Psychobiology and Methodology in Behavioral Sciences at UCM. Director (PI) of the research group “Cognitive Psychology: Measurement and Modeling of processes”, UCM group validated and with positive external evaluation. Coordinator of the practicum of the interuniversity Master’s degree of Methodology of Behavioral and Health Sciences (UCM, UAM and UNED) (ranked as 2nd in the group psychology category of the world publication on the 250 best official Master’s degrees). He was part of the coordination commission in which the Master and its Doctorate were implemented, being the coordinator during its first seven years.
Researcher Profile
Dr. Jesus M. Alvarado
Faculty of Psychology
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Professor, accredited as full professor, in the Department of Psychobiology and Methodology in Behavioral Sciences at UCM. Director (PI) of the research group “Cognitive Psychology: Measurement and Modeling of processes”, UCM group validated and with positive external evaluation. Coordinator of the practicum of the interuniversity Master’s degree of Methodology of Behavioral and Health Sciences (UCM, UAM and UNED) (ranked as 2nd in the group psychology category of the world publication on the 250 best official Master’s degrees). He was part of the coordination commission in which the Master and its Doctorate were implemented, being the coordinator during its first seven years.
He has positive ANECA (National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation) evaluations of his research activity (4 six-year terms, the last completed in 2019) and has more than a hundred publications, 65 of them indexed in the JCR. H index = 19 (Google Scholar/WoS). Total citations: 2,118 (1,432 since 2017). He has published in outstanding journals of his research area like, for example: Multivariate Behavioral Research (JCR Q1) or Sociological Methods and Research (JCR Q1, first in its JCR category)
He has been PI or member of the research teams of eight national or regional competitive projects (see “Research projects” section), and external advisor in four international projects. In terms of transfer, he formalized seven contracts with companies in relation to the construction of psychometric instruments. He has directed/co-directed 18 doctoral theses with publications in high-impact journals of the JCR. Doctoral theses aimed at both national and international students, whose studies have been financed to carry out their studies under my supervision, specifically different professors and researchers from Chilean, Argentine, Peruvian, Colombian universities and researchers in training from French research centers.
Since 2019 he is editor of Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación – e Avaliação Psicológica, a journal indexed in WoS, from the Asociación Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación Psicológica (AIDEP-AIDAP).
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WoS Researcher ID: K-7296-2017
SCOPUS Author ID: 7006238112
Reseracher Profile
Magister. Issac Augusto Caicedo Vera
Doctoral candidate in Doctorate in Education, Universidad Católica de Córdoba (ARG).
I began my academic formation at the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, where I obtained a degree in Computer Engineering with the thesis entitled: “Virtual education in Ecuador: Analysis of the uses of technology in students of the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral”, then I studied in the Master in Management and Human Resources Management at the Universitat de Barcelona, developing and implementing the Project: “HR Management Plan of the Colegio Santo Domingo de Guzmán” of Guayaquil.
After working at the Santo Domingo de Guzmán School in the city of Guayaquil (Ecuador) for more than 23 years, I felt the need to make a change in my professional training, and I began to study education, which is why I obtained the degree of Master in Education, mention in Teaching and Learning Processes from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Thesis presented: “The use of portfolio as a performance evaluation tool in the discipline of mathematics in the framework of a skills-based model at the high school level”, my thesis work initiated a professional inclination and a new passion towards evaluation and self-assessment.
Subsequently, I decided to deepen my professional training and took a series of diploma courses such as Diploma in Management of Educational Organizations awarded by the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil, Diploma in Quality and Educational Leadership and Diploma in Planning, design and management of digital platforms for education awarded by the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja.
Additionally, at the academic level I have served as director of Degree and Thesis projects, jury and member of Graduate Degree Tribunals. Invited evaluator of the PODIUM Magazine of the Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo. Invited evaluator of NOVUS Educational Innovation Proposals of the Institute for the Future of Education of the Tecnológico de Monterrey. Invited evaluator of the journal Sapientia Technological of the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Almirante Illingworth.
I have published some papers related to evaluation, metacognition, self-regulation and participated in congresses such as COMIE in Mexico, Universidad Sergio Arboleda in Bogota, Universidad Tecnologica ECOTEC, Tecnologico Universitario ARGOS and Universidad de Especialidades Espiritu Santo (UEES).
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Issac Augusto Caicedo Vera
I began my academic formation at the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, where I obtained a degree in Computer Engineering with the thesis entitled: “Virtual education in Ecuador: Analysis of the uses of technology in students of the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral”, then I studied in the Master in Management and Human Resources Management at the Universitat de Barcelona…
María Florencia Giuliani
I am very curious, it is difficult for something not to interest me. However, it is also difficult for me to be interested in something for a long time. Literature and psychology are the two paths that lead me to the only question that never bored me: How do we become who we are? The learning comes back again and again in response to this question.
Researcher Profile
María Florencia Giuliani
Department of Scientific Education, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences – Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina
Institute of Basic, Applied and Technology Psychology – IPSIBAT – UNMDP-CONICET
I am very curious, it is difficult for something not to interest me. However, it is also difficult for me to be interested in something for a long time. Literature and psychology are the two paths that lead me to the only question that never bored me: How do we become who we are? The learning comes back again and again in response to this question.
I studied Psychology at the National University of Mar del Plata (UNMdP) after a brief stint in Literature. I participated in research groups on the history of psychology and positive psychology in adolescents before dedicating myself to the psychology of aging, specifically emotional regulation in central ties during adulthood. I did my doctoral thesis on this topic. From this step I take that one learns throughout life and about the most intimate and complex issues of human experience, with reflection and metacognition as key tools.
At the same time, for some time now, I have been a teacher and researcher in the Department of Science Education of the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the UNMdP. There I teach and do research on Educational Psychology, I am interested in addressing the development of socio-emotional skills in science teachers. I believe that this aspect is central to understanding why and how learning and human development work in the classroom.
I always look for something new in what I do. That search and the generosity of my colleagues and professors have brought me to this team, where I hope to collaborate intensely!
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Researcher Profile
Klency González Hernández
Basic Training Department
Universidad de la Habana, Cuba
I am Full Professor (2028) and Full Researcher (2021) in the Department of Basic Education at the University of Havana, Cuba. I have been working at that University since 2002 and I am currently Vice-Dean of Graduate Studies, Research and International Relations of the Faculty of Psychology, as well as coordinator of the Master’s Program in Educational Psychology. I teach undergraduate and graduate courses such as Cognitive Processes, Reading Comprehension Intervention, Educational Neurosciences and Psychological Assessment and Intervention in Education. I am head of the research line “Neuropsychology and Neurosciences”. I am currently directing a research project belonging to the National Neurosciences and Neurotechnologies Program (PNCTI-NN), in which I am also an expert. On the Cuban side, I coordinate an international collaboration project with the University of Almeria, Spain.
In my undergraduate training I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology (2002) from the University of Havana, with postgraduate degrees in Attentional Networks and Neurocognitive Evaluation from the Center for Neurosciences of Cuba, and in scientific texts and academic writing from the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. I have a Master’s degree in Educational Psychology (2008) with a research on reading comprehension intervention in Cuban university students. I have a PhD in Psychological Sciences (2017) from the University of Havana, with a research on Intervention in reading comprehension in Cuban schoolchildren, where two comprehension assessment instruments were validated in the Cuban context and two programs of strategies for 6th grade children were applied.
I have developed research projects and tutored bachelor’s, master’s and currently doctoral theses on topics such as assessment and intervention of cognitive processes, reading fluency and comprehension, learning strategies, executive functions, digital tools to improve learning, numerical processing, mild cognitive impairment, among others. I have done research and scientific and academic exchange stays in universities in Spain (University of Granada and University of Almeria), Germany (University of Munster), Mexico (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, Universidad Iberoamericana), Costa Rica (University of Costa Rica), Panama (University of Panama) and Ecuador (University of Cuenca). I have participated in more than 50 international events in Cuba, Mexico, United States, Panama, Spain, Germany and Ecuador, in the last 10 years.
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Klency González Hernández
I am Full Professor (2028) and Full Researcher (2021) in the Department of Basic Education at the University of Havana, Cuba. I have been working at that University since 2002 and I am currently Vice-Dean of Graduate Studies, Research and International Relations of the Faculty of Psychology, as well as coordinator of the Master’s Program in Educational Psychology.