The following is a list of approved collaborations for 2025 by country subgroups:

SubgroupMembers and leaderPossible lines of work
Teacher Metacognition (Met M)Leader: Flor Guiliani
Members: Nancy Nazaret Gatzke, Antonio P. Gutierrez de Blume, Diana Marcela Montoya and Klency González  
MAIT abbreviated version Teacher Welfare   
Metacomprehension (Met MC)Leader: Ariel Cuadro
Members: Flor Guiliani, Aníbal Puente, Antonio P. Gutierrez de Blume, Diana Marcela Montoya, Virginia Jiménez, Jesús María Alvarado, Olivia Moran and Klency González  
Standardization of new metacomprehension and metaproduction assessment tasks Analysis of validity, reliability, item design, factor analysis and cultural adaptation.
Executive functions and metacognition (Met FEs)Leader: María Beatriz Beltrán
Members: Sebastián Urquijo, Ariel Cuadro, Mauricio Molina, Alicia Vélez, Carlos Renzo, Antonio P. Gutierrez de Blume, Diana Marcela Montoya, Luis Alberto Rojas, Consuelo Bojórquez and Klency González
Standardization of the Brief A- for adults with college student samples.   
Goal – motivation Goal – emotion (Met- Mot)Leader: Erika Álvarez
Members: Jesús María Alvarado, Lilian Daset, Antonio P. Gutierrez, Diana Marcela Montoya, Luis Alberto Rojas, Claudia García de la Cadena and Klency González
Standardization of the rating scale for meta-motivational feelings.
Self-regulation (SRA)Leaders: Antonio P. Gutierrez and Mauricio Molina.
Members: Sebastián Urquijo, Isaac Caicedo, Erika Álvarez, Nancy Nazaret Gatzke, Diana Marcela Montoya, Walter Arias Gallegos, Luis Alberto Rojas, Flor Guiliani y Eugenia Gallardo  
Conceptual and methodological reformulation of self-regulated learning theory. Empirical validation of Dr. Anastasia Efklides’ self-regulated learning theory.