Erika A. Alvarez-Atencio

The study of the human being, how they learn, and their interaction with the environment has been a subject of great interest to me since my adolescence. After completing high school, I decided to pursue my university studies at the University of Valparaíso, majoring in Psychology. During my university years, my interest in cognitive sciences and the learning processes of the human being flourished.

Carlos Renzo Rivera Calcina

I hold a degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Public Health with a concentration in Epidemiology from the Universidad Nacional de San Agustín. Additionally, I have a specialization in sampling and probabilities, descriptive and inferential statistics from the University of California Berkeley (online), as well as in Gender Statistics from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), and another one in statistics for social sciences from the Universidad Católica San Pablo (UCSP).

Alicia Elvira Vélez García

Perhaps since I studied high school (and perhaps from an early age), without knowing it, I observed the behavior of people, their actions, their emotions and their behavior in general. With absolutely no professional interest and also without knowing it, I surely began to trace my steps towards psychology, since indeed my university choice was the career of Psychology.

Nancy Nazareth Gatzke Correa

Teacher of the Secretary of Education of the State of Paraná, Physics teacher at Colégio Elo Formação Integral (Anglo System) and Colégio Casucha (Positive System). He participates as a teacher (invited) in the Specialization: Education, Society and Technology (IFPR-Jacarezinho) with the subject: Metacognition and Learning. Has worked as a collaborating teacher of Physics in the Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics at UENP.

Luis Alberto Rojas Pino

I would like to highlight my academic and professional journey, characterized by a persistent passion for research and the interaction between people and technology. After several attempts, I found my calling in the academic field, where I have devoted my efforts to understanding how people interact with technology and the phenomena that arise from this interaction. My initial training as a software engineer provided a solid foundation, although I did not initially see the clear connection with academic research.